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Matthieu Bron

Coaching Services

Matthieu is both a teacher and a master coach trained by one of Scandinavia’s best schools in personal leadership and development (Mindjuice Aps). He is PCC certified (Professional Certified Coach) by the International Coach Federation (ICF – USA). Matthieu has a professional background as an entrepreneur, including 18 years of international experience in audiovisual communication for the development sector (e.g. United Nations, European Commission, and international NGOs). He has lived and worked in different places: France (his home country), Mozambique, and Denmark since 2011. Each living experience has been an opportunity to gain knowledge and learn a new language. Matthieu has degrees in Cinematographic Production (France), Sociology and Organizational Psychology (South Africa), and Coaching Credentials (Denmark, USA). He is fluent in the following languages: English, French (mother tongue), Danish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Matthieu’s commitment as your coach: “With an open mind, I will support you in being authentic with both yourself and others in order to achieve what you want. I will also challenge you — always with empathy — to get deeper insights. I am committed to supporting you to be creative and shape meaningful results in your life.”

Meet the Team

Meet the Team Filter
Elena Mosko
Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Steffen Henkel
C.O.O, Managing Director of crossculture academy GmbH
Trixi Menhardt
Head of Coaching Services
Camilla Degerth
Coaching Services – EMEA
Melinda Roberts
Global Product Development Lead
Norman Viss
Social Adaptation
Shannon Mayer
Concierge Coaching Services
Ketaki Malhotra
Coaching Services
Matthieu Bron
Coaching Services
Irina Mironova
Project Manager, Global Operations
Monica Winghart
Legal Advisor
Chris Burns
Global Benefits Advisor
Felicia Shermis
Corporate Communications & Content Strategy
Desiree Karge
eLearning Development Specialist
Roman Avsec
Technology & Web Development