Do you have space for pancakes? If you live in the UK, and love Russian culture, you are in for a treat as Maslenitsa and Pancake Tuesday line up rather nicely this year.

This year the UK is in for a sweet treat. From 24 February to 2 March, Russia celebrates Maslenitsa, a traditional holiday that marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring. With Pancake Tuesday falling on 4 March, this gives Londoners the perfect excuse to indulge in pancake-eating for almost ten days.
In Russia, Maslenitsa – also known abroad as Russian Pancake Week – is a colourful and family-oriented celebration which sees people take a break from the gloom of winter and engage in fun activities, from sledding and snowball fighting to dancing and singing. This joyful carnival anticipates the Lent period and is symbolised by blini, the Russian pancakes. This is the last chance to enjoy these traditional pancakes before Easter, as meat, fish, dairy products and eggs are forbidden to Orthodox Christians during Lent.

Full story at The Kompass.

Image By WikiImages.

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